
Render Pool BLOG

What Is Blender? If you’re not already familiar, Blender is a computer graphics software used to create 2D and 3D animation, digital art, visual effects, and more. As a free-to-use, open-source software, Blender’s source code can be customized to cater to the user’s needs and runs on most operating systems including Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Whether using the video sequencing editor or the compositor, the following guide explains how to properly render and complete an animation in Blender 2.8 onward, as well as the differences between rendering as a movie file and as an image sequence (rendering each frame as a still image). Preparing to Render an Animation in Blender

One of the most important aspects of producing a beautiful final image is noise reduction. When using Cycles to render a scene, you may still find your renders suffering from a great amount of noise and dead, burnt-out pixels or “fireflies.” Keep reading to learn more about one trick that is often overlooked—Multiple Importance Sampling.

There are several ways to set up materials and backgrounds as transparencies for post-processing and compositing in Blender. Below, we explore each way and walk you through the process. Transparent BSDF The Transparent BSDF node is at its core designed specifically for achieving transparency. Simply put, this material node allows you to control different types

View Layers can help you composite images, change a scene, and render final images without having to re-render after any alterations. Keep reading to find out more about what View Layers can do for your composite render. How Layers Are Separated in Blender When starting a new .blend file, you will find yourself heavily relying

As the final public release of the 2.8 series, Blender 2.83 is the software’s most comprehensive and definitive iteration to date. The newest Blender release is 2.90 (as of August 2020), but it’s still prone to potential bugs, security fixes, and updates. Version 2.83, on the other hand, has achieved Long Term Support (LTS) status,

No matter what your preferred style may be, not all designers are after true-to-life, photo-realistic scenes in their renderings. Non-photo-realistic (NPR) art is also in demand for 3D artists, and sometimes they want a more expressive, comic-like final render; perhaps like an animated film for kids. Blender’s solution comes in the form of Freestyle. Let’s

Blender 2.90 Alpha was recently released, making Blender’s 2.83 public release the last official version of the 2.8 series. Though this series is over, Blender has decided to dedicate long-term support for 2.83 LTS and with that in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to visit how the render output settings can

Image Based Lighting (IBL) is a very easy and high-quality simulation of real-world lighting. You can project an environment map onto a virtual sphere that acts as a scene environment. The projected map is used to illuminate the scene and add reflection to the surface of the object. How to Use ProRender’s IBL in Maya

Settings in the System tab allows for control of the basic system behavior. In AMD Radeon ProRender, system settings allow you to select the hardware used for rendering and for settings such as final rendering and preview (viewport render and thumbnail images). For viewport rendering and thumbnails, it’s best to choose a lower-quality setting or