High-definition image processing is the life-blood of today’s VFX, graphic design, industrial design, and animation industries. When working in one of these industries, the most important tool in your arsenal is your workstation. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the heart of your workstation and handles a lot of tasks, like executing applications, loading drivers, …
In a 3D animation or design project, rendering is usually the final step, the end result being what potential customers, viewers, and clients see. Rendering can be a very time-consuming, CPU-intensive task, but that can be swayed if you find software that exclusively employs your GPU to lighten the load and speed up the process. …
What Is GPU Rendering? And Is It Right for Your Project? 3D design, animation, and rendering are all becoming lucrative industries, and software developers are quickly closing the accessibility gap. Today’s design programs like Blender, Houdini, 3Dsmax, Maya, and Cinema4D, to name a few, all essentially perform similar tasks, albeit in different ways, yielding exceptionally …
Buying a new computer is a big decision for anyone, but when it comes to graphic intensive processing, it’s a choice that’s all the more difficult to make. At the end of the day, a desktop is always better for rendering and modeling. But for many, the portability and lower price that a laptop provides …